Monday, March 14, 2011

The Swimmer

The Summer heat doesn't look to be ending any time soon. 
Makes me wonder what life was like before air con.

When I was a little kid I lived right near the beach.
For some reason I seem to remember rushing home from school to hit the beach literally every afternoon with my younger sister.
Apparently that memory has been blown a little out of proportion over the years, or so I've been told.

They tend to do that, I've noticed. 
Well it goes both ways really. 
I get this from the fact that I've had an obsession with keeping journals mostly all of my life. Well the parts that I can remember anyway. 
So either something sticks in your mind as this major event and over time becomes larger than life, or you forget how strong an experience of something really was. 
It gets dampened down over time. 
I wish I knew how memories worked... neurology would be really interesting.

That mildly opinionated post stayed at the top of my blog far too long. 
I don't want you getting the wrong idea now. 
Decided I'd try out these things called titles. 

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a constantly changing pattern or sequence of elements
all of this work is by me unless stated otherwise :]