Saturday, November 27, 2010

Due to my lack of laptop charger and camera charger, life has become a little more... difficult, I guess, than usual. I have a pretty bad memory for chargers.
So anyway after...
13 art exhibitions
7 galleries
3 juices
4 iced chocolates
4 trams
2 trains
800 photographs
and LOTS of walking .... I returned to Sydney with thouroughly sore feet and a smile on my face, from a very rewarding 4 days in Melbourne.
It was very different to both Brisbane and Sydney, there never seemed to be quite as much traffic. But I don't know if I could live in Melbourne... I didn't like the weather much. I'll upload photos of my big trip once a charger is obtained :)


Anonymous said...

The weather? That's one of the reasons I like living in Melbourne!

sweet april air said...

what can I say - I guess 9 years living in brisbane has made me susceptible to cold!

a constantly changing pattern or sequence of elements
all of this work is by me unless stated otherwise :]